November 1, 2010


Kanyon and I decided that we would wait a couple more years before we would have a baby for several reasons.. but one great reason is the fact that babies are everywhere in Welch! Seriously, everyone is having them. Here's two of them that are in my life:

Harris and Andi's (the youth and children's director at the church I work at) baby, Silas.
He's just a chunk of happiness. He never cries. He just sits there chubbily.
And smiles and laughs. And I get to play with him at work!! 

Al and Kasha's baby, Tac, came over to trick or treat last night! He was a moose!! How cute is that!
Here's the top of his costume:

Rusty and Britni brought their kids over yesterday to trick-or-treat too and I wish I had a picture of Slayde to show you too. That kid is also a chunk of love. I love chubby babies!

All of our friends who have had babies in the last year (about 6 couples!!) keep telling us that if we hurry up, our kid will be in the same class in school as the others. But the truth is.. we're destined to have a girl first. Its predominant in our family. And we know all those babies' daddies. We'll wait a few more years and save ourselves the worrying that would come with our girl dating any of those boys, thanks :)



  1. come on...slayde would be a catch for any girl :)

  2. How funny and very understandable! Tripp will be a gentleman and a great friend if nothing else. So glad we got to see you tonight!
